Industrial Solutions
The promise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital transformation has been put under a stress test.
The on-demand, SKU-driven economy has created new levels of complexity. High variability in products and services present a tough balancing act between quality, safety, and efficiency. Legacy automation systems struggle, as you can’t hard code every possible scenario.
Machine learning and computer vision help enterprises avoid the pitfalls of hard coding by learning through examples instead.
Computers can spot pixel-level defects on every manufacturing line, in near-real time. Our aim is to help teams everywhere, from factories to farms automate visually-driven decisions that are otherwise overwhelming.

Our platform can help you automate visual inspection on the production line
Smart Factory
Automate quality control on the production line, root cause analysis, and continuous improvement.
Digital Well
Automate seismic image analysis, reduce windshield time, and protect the well site through holistic vision-based analytics across the energy value chain.
Advanced Sensors and Process Control Systems
Advanced Sensors and Process Control Systems: Combine image/video data with other insights (weight, temperature, etc.) to predict non-obvious, critical product qualities.
Learn more about how CrowdAI can help with Defense

The AI Race Has Started
Start your journey with a Crowd AI account or Enterprise Proof of concept today.